Judge of Nations

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe poem’s third stanza offers the once great cities, Nineveh and Tyre, now ruined, as looming examples in a dire warning. The prophecies of the destruction of these cities are detailed in the Bible. History records the accuracy of the prophecies. Nineveh’s continuing sin and resulting destruction is foretold throughout the entire Old Testament book of NAHUM at least several decades before the city actually was destroyed in 612 B.C. The city of Tyre was decimated in 332 B.C., exactly as Ezekiel predicted it would be 261 years before it actually happened, when the prophet detailed its destruction in 593 B.C. because of its traffic in slaves and its vile, cruel religion. What God had to say about what would happen to Tyre can be found in EZEKIEL 26:1-28:19. It’s no wonder Kipling refers to God as “Judge of Nations” in the same stanza.

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